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Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Co.,Ltd
MTT is a commercial port and storage terminal, dedicated for liquid and gaseous chemicals, including petroleum products with purpose to support the petrochemical business growth in Thailand. The operation process of MTT is controlled by a Distributed Control System (DCS) which has been installed to enable operators to centralize the process controls and continuously monitor all the operations from a single room. This system has been implemented to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation since its first start.
Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Company Limited (MTT) was established by Siam Cement Petrochemical Group, Cementhai Chemicals Company Limited in 1995. The 2 jetties and 25 storage tanks are currently supporting more than 10 varieties of petroleum and petrochemical products within the area of 126 Rai. Located between the cities of Sattahip and Rayong on Thailand's Eastern Sea Board, MTT is around 190 km from the capital Bangkok.
Charts : The port area is shown on Royal Thai Navy (RTN) Chart no. 157 with the approaches on RTN chart 141 and on British Admiralty (BA) chart 3966 respectively.
Anchorage : An anchorage area (Harbour Department Announcement No. 447/2537 dated 27.9.94) exists, covering a circular area width 1 nautical mile radius around
Latitude |
: 12 Degrees 35.0 Minutes North |
Longitude |
: 101 Degrees 13.5 Minutes East |
For any vessel which has arrival exceeding 10 m., Berthing time will depend on government pilot's request for safety operation, with concerning the water level in arrival date.
Approaches : The distance from the Fairway Buoy to the harbour's Western breakwater is 2 nautical miles. The minimum width of the approach channel is 250 m. and the water depth is 12.5 m reduced to Lowest Low Water (LLW). The water depth in the Berth box for jetties no.1 and No.2 is 15.5 m. and 10.5 m. respectively.
Restrictions : The minimum under-keel clearance required by the Pilot Office is 0.5 m. MTT's requirement for under-keel clearance vary between 0.5 m. for vessels up to 6,000 tonnes d.w.t. and 1.0 m. for vessels above the size.
Weather :
Tidal Conditions : The tidal factors in Map Ta Phut Port have been reviewed and set out as follows :
Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) |
+ 3.5 m. |
Mean Higher High Water (MHHW) |
+ 3.0 m. |
Mean High Water (MHW) |
+ 2.8 m. |
Mean Sea Level (MSL) |
+ 2.2 m. |
Mean Low Water (MLW) |
+ 1.6 m. |
Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) |
+ 1.4 m. |
Lowest Astronimical Tide (LAT) |
+ 0.5 m. |
Chart Datum Line (C.D.) |
+/-0.0 m. |
The following show the rates of time-share above the specified water level, and their number of hours per day in the case of worst month and worst day respectively. For example, the water levels of 1.0 m above the chart datum occur for 97% of time in a year. Even in the worst month tide over 1.0 m account for 89.3% On an average daily basis, tides over 1.0 m account for 21.5 hours a day. Even on the worst day Tides, over 1.0 m. exist for more than 18 hours. All through the year, 0.5 m tide is available for the time of 99.9% of the time in Map Ta Phut industrial Port.
Tidal Currents : Tidal and the permanent coastal currents off the East Reclamation, flows in an East-West direction across the outer channel.Current measurements at the 10.0 m. contour adjacent to the outer navigation channel indicate the maximum current velocities as shown below.
Ebb tide |
: East direction at 0.4 Knots to 0.6 Knots |
Flood tide |
: West direction at 0.6 Knots to 0.8 Knots |
From this current data, it can be said that currents around the jetty will not create any difficulty in ship handling whilst berthing and unberthing.
Wave Motion : According to the wave analysis, in the outer channel, the waves higher than 1.5 m occur for 1.5% of the year, and greater than 1.0 m for 9.0% of the year. In general, the critical wave height in terms of efficient and safe cargo handling inside the port is less than 0.5 m or 2 feet. The inner harbour is protected by the West break water.
Wind direction :
Period |
Predominant directions |
November to January |
: N.E.and Variable |
February to March |
: South and East |
April |
: Variable |
June to October |
: S.W. Monsoon |
Mean monthly wind speed of 13.9 km/hr or 3.9 m/sec - Weak breeze Mean of maximum velocity of 135.3 km/hr or 37.6 m/sec - Typhoon in November from the North.

E-mail to us : mttplan@scg.com
Terminal address: Map Ta Phut Tank Terminal Co. Ltd.,271 Sukhumvit Road,
Map Ta Phut, Muang District, Rayong 21150, Thailand. Tel: (6638) 689471-2. FAX: (6638) 911955. |